Wednesday, October 31, 2012

GOP Candidate Has Deep Thoughts on 'The Rape Thing'


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Amendment 8: Public Money Does Not Belong in Religious Schools ...

FlaglerLive | October 29, 2012

Parochial schools can afford their bills without taxpayers? help. (Susan WD)

By Cary McMullen

Several ill-advised proposals to amend the state constitution are on the ballot next week, and one of them would do away with Florida?s so-called Blaine Amendment that forbids state money from being used for ?sectarian? purposes.

?Sectarian? refers among other things to religious matters, and this proposal, Amendment 8, taps into a complicated history.

In the late 1800s, Catholic immigrants protested the practices in public schools, which reflected the prevailing Protestant ethos of the country and frequently included prayers and exhortations that had an unabashed Protestant character.

So Catholics started their own school systems, and they complained that because the alternative was forcing their children to endure Protestant indoctrination paid for by tax dollars, Catholics were entitled to public money to pay for schools that supported their own faith.

In 1875, James G. Blaine, Speaker of the U.S. House, proposed an amendment to the Constitution that would have made it clear that no public money should ever be given to religious or religiously sponsored organizations. Blaine was not anti-Catholic himself, but there was strong sentiment against public funds going to Catholic schools.

Even though the amendment failed, states were quick to pick up the effort, and eventually 37 state constitutions, including Florida?s, had Blaine Amendments.

Supporters of Amendment 8 have tried to spin it different ways: that it eliminates a vestige of bigotry against Catholics; that because religious organizations cannot bid for state money they are being treated unfairly, and so on. They have also tried to say it has nothing to do with funding private religious education through vouchers, which is very hard to believe.

Times have changed, and today it is evangelicals complaining about their kids being indoctrinated with secular ideologies in public school. They?ve teamed up with Catholics, whose position has never changed, and they are salivating at the prospect of tapping state coffers to pay for students? tuition at religious schools.

After all, private education is expensive and a voucher for the per-pupil amount the local public school would get makes St. Perpetua Catholic School or Triumph Christian Academy a lot more attractive to the parents of prospective students.

In theory, the U.S. Constitution forbids this under the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, but the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2002 that vouchers may be permissible under some circumstances. The ironclad language of the Blaine Amendment is standing in the way of Florida private school administrators, and Amendment 8 is their weapon to smash that barrier.

Contrary to the convictions of militant atheists and the ACLU, there are certain circumstances in which a partnership between the state and religious institutions is a good thing and ought to be encouraged. Where a denominational organization provides social services, they should be able to do so under contract with a modicum of guidelines about proselytizing.

But education is a very different kettle of fish. Religious groups have no rights to public money when it comes to funding private schools, precisely because religious indoctrination is part and parcel of the mission of those schools, and taxpayers should not have to pay for that.

Religious groups can complain all they want that they are being discriminated against, but one U.S. Supreme Court ruling to the contrary, there is a long legal and cultural tradition against mingling public monies with private religious education. What they call discrimination is in fact only being compelled to obey that tradition.

Some religious organizations that might otherwise legitimately be able to contract with the state are shut out under the Blaine Amendment, and that?s too bad. But if that?s the price to pay to keep religious schools? hands out of the state till, so be it.

Cary McMullen is a journalist and editor who lives in Lakeland. He can be reached by email here.

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Surviving Sandy: Foodie Style ? We Love DC

We all know what happens when the imminent threat of a natural disaster is on its way. First we panic, turn on every weather channel known to cable, open multiple tabs on our browsers to follow copious storm trackers, have flashbacks of all those natural disaster movies (I?m looking at you Helen Hunt in Twister), and then? well, we hit the grocery store. If you are anything like me, my over-preparedness resulted in two glorious days of browsing recipes, cooking, and baking. I am a cynic by nature (no pun intended) but somehow found myself following the crowd and stalking up on so much food I could have had a neighborhood block party (or four). I felt a need to make- and eat ? everything, as if the world actually was going to end tomorrow?

But alas, Sandy spared us some monumental destruction (thank you), except for the few pounds we may have added to the scale (white girl problems), but the forced hibernation was a welcome moment of peace amidst the madness. Something about the sound of heavy wind and rain inspired unplugging and putting hands, and minds, to use elsewhere.

I for one am a huge breakfast person. So staying indoors meant staying in pajamas a little longer, making more breakfast than usual, and planning that night?s lunch or dinner before I even finished my last sip of coffee. One of my favorite comfort foods, which brings me back home to Colombia, is the arepa. For those of you who have never had one, it is a corn-flour tortilla of sorts, similar to a Salvadorean pupusa, which is a vehicle for anything and everything you wish. From avocado and cheese (I go for mozarella or queso fresco), to bacon and other forms of cooked pork (shredded always best), an arepa is a versatile, delicious, comforting staple of Colombian cuisine. Using just cornmeal flour and water, the dough becomes dense and easy to mold, rounded out and grilled on a stovetop. My favorite toppings include butter, melted mozzarella, avocado, and a generous pinch of salt and pepper.

At the request of my other hibernating companions, I made a very simple pasta, but one that is packed with flavor and goes best with a full-bodied vin rouge. All you need: good white truffle oil. Bowtie pasta cooked al dente, drizzled with white truffle oil, a little butter, and plenty of salt, pepper and parmesan cheese. A first-class meal right at home. I toasted some pine nuts, and chopped some porcini mushrooms, then covered the whole mixture with more parmesan and some slices of proscuitto ham. Bam, Sandy. For late night snacks, a cheese plate accompanied by marcona almonds, fresh rasberries, fig biscotti and olives, accompanied the merlot to perfection. Every rainstorm needs some solid companions.

The We Love DC crew never seizes to impress me, making, baking, writing away through the storm. Below are some of the recipes, and food porn worthy pictures, of what they made, as well as other hibernation fare provided by our readers. Here?s to surviving Sandy, Foodie Style.

Chicken Pot Pie by Marissa

Marissa: Cold and rainy weather with gusty winds meant that I was craving something hot and in the realm of comfort food. I whipped up a chicken pot pie from America?s Test Kitchen and roasted up some beets for a salad with goat cheese. There was roasted eggplant for another salad, but frankly, most of that was consumed within moments of coming out of the oven. Whoops.

Katie: I made white wine and parsley shrimp over grains with smoked salt broccoli, and also healthy vegetarian nachos with greek yogurt instead of sour cream. White wine shrimp is one of the easiest things ever to make. Here?s the ?recipe?, and it?s generally made from things you probably keep around the house:

You need:
- As many raw, thawed, tail-on shrimp as you want.
- A bottle of white wine, any kind
- garlic
- parsley, fresh or dry
- butter, salted
- salt and pepper
- rice or whole grains mix to put this whole shrimp concoction on top of

Pour yourself a glass of wine. Get frying pan. Start with a glug of white wine in the bottom of the pan. Liquid should cover the bottom of the pan but not be too deep. (This is not going to be a very scientific endeavor, folks.) Add a teaspoon of garlic. Add a slab of salted butter. Drink more wine! Add fresh or dried parsley. Add salt and pepper. Reduce a bit, add in raw, shell-off shrimp. I buy mine in bulk at Whole Foods. If shrimp aren?t plump and pink by the time the wine is gone, add more wine. Flip shrimp to other side. Drink more wine. Remove shrimp and mixture from heat when shrimp are cooked. Slide shrimp and herbs out of pan over rice or grain mix. Drink more wine! Great job. You are good at cooking, you little chef you.

Katie?s parsley shrimp over grains

Tom and Tiffany Bridge: Bacon Maple Biscuits from the Smitten Kitchen Cookbook?are pretty much the bees? knees. Bacon, Langdon Wood Bourbon Maple Syrup, a little creamery butter, and some biscuit makings, and you?ve got yourself an awesome breakfast. The hearty beef & barley soup that is a winter favorite is a perfect post-hurricane favorite. An onion, some carrots & celery, softened in a little olive oil, garlic and herbs, to which you add a package of sliced mushrooms and cook until soft, then a bay leaf, a can of tomatoes, and two quarts of beef stock. ?Cut up some stew beef or a sirloin and put it in the pot once the stock heats a bit. ?Let boil, then add half a cup of pearl barley and let simmer for at least 20 minutes or until the barley is soft. Want to add a super twist? A handful of fresh chopped dill to finish it.

And to accompany the food? Copious bottles of red red wine, but also a little recipe from Don.

Don made a Poebelack punch, using @booklessbev?s recipe
- 1 bottle of 750 ml makers
- 20 oz fresh lemon juice
- 20 oz simple syrup
- 20 oz apple cider
- 25 dashes apple bitters
- a few dashes absinthe

Though we didn?t have fresh lemon juice and just used lemonade for it and the syrup. Also did not have absinthe or apple bitters. But apparently this is like horseshoes and hand grenades and close enough does pretty good. If you?re not making it in punch format 750ml is 25oz. So it?s basically 1.25 parts bourbon, 1 part lemon juice, 1 part simple syrup, 1 part apple cider, one dash apple bitters.

And some pictures from our readers, who obviously know a thing or two about comfort cooking:

Slow cooker Korean style pork spare ribs with homemade cucumber slaw, cilantro and a dash of Sriracha on small corn tortillas: Food Porn courtesy of Alex Reed

Eggplant Parmesan by Federika Burelli

Roasted pear chocolate chip scones by Christina Stockamore

Have any Sandy pics you want to share with us? Tweet @WeLoveDC or @FORKITDC using #makingsandy


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Monday, October 29, 2012

Fitness Spotlight ? Top 10 Fitness Tips on Healthy Body

For an exercise program to work, you want it to be one that is enjoyable and easy to stick with. Planning a good exercise routine makes it easier to do everyday. Keep reading for more suggestions to help you build your own exercise routine.

TIP! You want me to do something? tell me I can?t do it. -Maya Angelou

It is a great idea to play your favorite songs when you start exercising. Putting on some tunes often motivates people to get their bodies moving instinctively. When you exercise to music, try to think of it like dancing. Moving around in a fun way keeps your mind off the exercise you are doing and allows you to work out a little longer.

Your exercise routine will be so much easier if you get a friend involved. Having someone to chat with while you are exercising makes your workout go by faster. The weight will come off surprisingly fast. You and your friend will marvel at the results.

Fitness video games allow you to have some fun, instead of just enduring another grueling workout. There is a large variety of video games that are produced to facilitate people trying to improve their physical health. Choosing a fun, inspiring workout is a great way to keep from noticing how tired you are feeling so you can exercise for a longer period of time.

TIP! I?d rather be a failure at something I enjoy than a success at something I hate. -George Burns

Head to the mall and choose some new workout gear. Look for workout clothing that goes well with your body and that you feel comfortable in. Have fun when you?re choosing your outfits. You will find a vast array of choices in styles, patterns and colors of workout clothes. You can express your true self with creative, fun outfits. If your clothing gives you a heightened sense of confidence, it is sure to translate to your workouts as well.

Keep your exercise routine interesting by avoiding repetition. Shake things up. If you get bored, you will exercise less. If you aren?t motivated, then you might stop working out. Changing a workout routine around regularly is a good idea to keep things fresh. This will ensure that you can remain engaged when you plan on working out over an extended period of time. When you stop being active, then the risk is very high that you will backtrack on your progress and lose all the ground you have gained.

Make sure to give yourself a reward when you accomplish a fitness goal. Knowing you have a small reward waiting for you as you reach each of your objectives will keep you motivated. Choose a reward for yourself that will help motivate you into reaching your goals. Go buy yourself a new dress or that new book for your Kindle.

Many believe exercise is little more than an irritating task, however, it can be much more enjoyable than that. You can employ a diversity of tactics to inject fun into your workouts. This article will provide information to help you in coming up with an exercise plan that will work for you.


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Friday, October 26, 2012

Victims' Rights and Restorative Justice: Is There a Common Ground ...

John LashFrequently writing and speaking about youth justice issues, especially restorative justice, has at times seemingly put me at odds with those who advocate for victims? rights. Earlier this year I was in Washington, D.C., and met with members of a well-known group that lobbies for juvenile justice reform. They have opposed juvenile life without parole, harsh sentences, and adult transfer, while advocating for community based approaches and rehabilitation efforts to youth who have committed crimes.

As we were discussing my own interest in restorative justice, one of them expressed to me his doubts that those working for victims? rights could ever work together with those seeking reform of the justice system. I was surprised, since one of the foundations of restorative justice is supposed to be that it is victim centered, and that harm to the victim is what must be addressed first in any attempt to respond to crime.

Last week my column on the resentencing of juveniles who had received life without parole drew a comment from the National Organization of Victims of Juvenile Lifers (NOVJL). The commenter had a legal argument in opposition to my own view, but more striking, at least to me, was the sentence that asked how I am going to, ?support, inform, and not re-traumatize the devastated victims? families left behind in these horrible crimes.?

I continue to reflect on that comment, and to ponder indeed how I am going to accomplish these goals. In moments of doubt I wonder if they are indeed incompatible. The way in which policies are changed is often adversarial, and such positioning can lend itself to demonization, even the demonization of victims of crime. This goes beyond civility, as important as it may be, to what values we as a society want to embody. I want to help create a society that cares for the needs of everyone affected by crime, most importantly of all the victims and their loved ones. If those needs are ignored then justice is not done.

Many members of NOVJL are in support of Restorative Justice, and their website points out many areas of policy where advocates of both juvenile offenders and victims can come together in agreement. Jennifer Bishop, the leader of the group, in an interview with Youth Radio, said that restorative justice isn?t applicable in cases of murder, since the victim cannot be restored, but also went on to say, ?There?s another term ? transformative justice ? that seeks to transform the experience for both offender and victim. I?m a strong supporter of that.? This approach is about finding ways to transform what has happened, and is not dependent on the offender?s release.

I am heartened by these signs that there is indeed some common ground between those who support victims and those seeking juvenile justice reform. I intend to keep these considerations in mind in my own attempts to bring restorative justice to my community, and to encourage others to do the same.

Click here to sign up for email updates to this and other JJIE stories.

John Lash

John Lash is a regular contributor to JJIE, writer and curator for Youth and Justice blog, and the program director at Georgia Conflict Center. He is also a student in the Kennesaw State University Master of Conflict Management program. His interest in restorative justice, Nonviolent Communication, youth, and mind ? body practices developed during his nearly twenty five years of imprisonment.

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Thursday, October 25, 2012

PSA: Windows 8 available to buy starting tonight

Microsoft's stunning new operating system is finally ready for public consumption, starting tonight. The new OS is launching globally in more than 140 markets and in over 37 languages and you'll be able grab either Windows 8 or Windows 8 Pro (not to mention the Microsoft Surface), from 12.01am local time at participating US retailers including Amazon, Best Buy and Staples. Meanwhile, Microsoft will also be offering up its Windows 8 upgrade online. Anyone looking to upgrade their PC (and you'll be able to from XP to version 7) will need to stump up $40 -- just keep that source link below bookmarked for later. Better still, if you've bought a Windows 7 machine since June 2, you'll be able to download Redmond's latest OS for the discounted rate of $15, so make sure to pay a visit to our second source link below.

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PSA: Windows 8 available to buy starting tonight originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 25 Oct 2012 12:42:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Obama criticizes GOP candidate's rape remarks

BURBANK, Calif. (AP) ? President Barack Obama on Wednesday night criticized Indiana Republican Senate candidate Richard Mourdock for his remarks about rape and pregnancy, saying that "rape is rape" and that the Republican's comments "don't make any sense to me."

Mourdock said during a debate Tuesday night that when pregnancy occurs from rape, then it is "something God intended." The Indiana Republican opposes abortion except when the woman's life is in danger.

Obama was appearing on "The Tonight Show" when host Jay Leno asked him about Mourdock's remarks and referred to another Republican Senate hopeful, Missouri's Todd Akin. Earlier in his campaign Akin, also an opponent of abortion, referred to "legitimate rape" when contending that women's bodies are capable of preventing pregnancy after rape.

"Well, I don't know how these guys come up with these ideas," Obama said. "Let me make a very simple proposition. Rape is rape. It is a crime. And so these various distinctions about rape don't make too much sense to me ? don't make any sense to me."

Obama added: "This is exactly why you don't want a bunch of politicians, mostly male, making decisions about women's health care decisions. Women are capable of making these decisions in consultation with their partners, with their doctors. And for politicians to want to intrude in this stuff, oftentimes without any information, is a huge problem. And this is obviously part of what's stake at this election."

Earlier Wednesday, Mourdock refused to apologize for the "something God intended" remark but said that he regrets that some may have misconstrued and "twisted" his comments.


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Barry Zito shines in World Series debut for Giants


AP Baseball Writer

Associated Press Sports

updated 10:46 p.m. ET Oct. 24, 2012

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Barry Zito is playing his part in this World Series, all right.

After years of being labeled baseball's most overpaid pitcher, Zito took the ball Wednesday night and thoroughly outshined reigning AL MVP and Cy Young Award winner Justin Verlander to lead the San Francisco Giants to an 8-3 victory over the Detroit Tigers that sent the orange-crazed home fans into a Zito-fueled frenzy.

Three home runs from Pablo Sandoval only helped Zito's cause in Game 1.

The left-hander watched his teammates clinch the World Series title two years ago in Texas, never playing a part on the field that postseason. That was all the motivation he needed to revive his career in his early 30s.

Now, he has the Giants one win closer to another championship after a dazzling World Series debut. The left-hander has just about earned his $126 million contract in a sensational span of six days. A hefty chunk of it, anyway.

Last Friday night at Busch Stadium, Zito pitched a season-saving 5-0 victory against St. Louis and sent the Giants home trailing the defending champion Cardinals 3-2 - and they rallied again to reach a second World Series in three years.

For anyone who doubted Zito could deliver on the big October stage, while facing the daunting task of dueling with Verlander, he didn't flinch once. And when two-time NL Cy Young Award winner Tim Lincecum came out of the bullpen to replace him in the sixth, Zito ran off to a roaring standing ovation and offered a quick tip of his cap before disappearing into the dugout.

During his 2012 transformation back to reliable starter, the 33-year-old Zito never wanted the focus to be on him or how he's accomplished this remarkable comeback but rather what he could add to make the Giants a winner and playoff contender again. And, possibly, win another World Series ring along the way.

Nobody is questioning Zito's talents now. His line of one run on six hits, three strikeouts and a walk in 5 2-3 innings was hardly spectacular - but it rarely is. Zito is doing just what manager Bruce Bochy asks of him: giving the Giants a chance to win.

Zito even added an RBI single in the fourth, following up his bunt base hit in Friday's win, as Giants starting pitchers drove in a run for the fourth straight game.

This is the ultimate win for Zito, years in the making. Not that he will say it quite that way. That's not how he operates.

When Zito was told he wasn't going to be on the postseason roster in 2010, in one of manager Bruce Bochy's toughest conversations with a player, the pitcher immediately went to work. He threw a bullpen session, he kept himself ready if needed - but never got the chance. It hurt to the core, even if he never said it.

He tried different deliveries and pitching motions, he added a cutter to his repertoire to give him four solid pitches to keep hitters guessing.

In front of a sellout crowd at AT&T Park on this night, he pitched first to chants of "Barry! Barry!" and later to hollers of "Zito! Zito!" Who could have seen this memorable World Series moment coming for Zito, only two years after all the boos, from every direction, in his home ballpark?

The Giants have won Zito's last 14 starts, and he hasn't lost since Aug. 2 against the Mets. Zito went 15-8 this season for his most victories since joining the Giants

"They score runs for him," general manager Brian Sabean said, "in very odd ways."

With the Giants, Zito has never been the dominant pitcher he had been across the bay as a member of Oakland's Big Three with Tim Hudson and Mark Mulder. Fans quickly gave up hope of Zito turning things around when he went 43-61 over his first five seasons with the Giants.

In a strange turn of roles, it was Lincecum - who pitched the Game 5 World Series clincher against the Rangers in 2010 - who came in for Zito. Lincecum credits the veteran lefty for showing him how to better handle the struggles, like this season when The Freak fell into a long funk.

Lincecum came through, too. He pitched 2 1-3 scoreless innings of relief with five strikeouts.

Lincecum's outing marked the first time one Cy Young Award winner relieved another in the World Series since Baltimore's Jim Palmer came in for Mike Flanagan in 1983 against the Philadelphia Phillies, according to STATS LLC.

Zito and Lincecum certainly will share a hug or a handshake after this one.

"He's a lot tougher than people think and he's got a lot of pride and respect for the game," Sabean said of Zito. "He really wanted to be out there."

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Food Processor Recipes: Dishes Made In The Machine (PHOTOS)

We admit, cooking and baking can be time-consuming -- and with every recipe there are multiple steps that need to be taken to get to the final result, a home-cooked meal on the table. What if there was a way to cut down on some of the most time-consuming tasks and get you back to cooking without excuses? There's an appliance you might already own that can help you cut down on precious time. It's the food processor.

Unlike a blender, which is best for blending liquids, a food processor can do much more. It can puree, shred, grate, mix up doughs/batters and more. A 30-minute meal (a la Jamie Oliver) can be a reality. If you don't believe us, we've got 20 recipes in the slideshow below from across the web that prove it's possible.

What's your favorite use for the food processor? Leave a comment.

Want to read more from HuffPost Taste? Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Tumblr.

  • Hummus With Homemade Pita

    <strong>Get the <a href="">Hummus recipe from Arts and Tarts</a></strong> Making hummus at home is easy because it's made in the food processor.

  • Quick Toasted Coconut Scones

    <strong>Get the <a href="">Quick Toasted Coconut Scones recipe from From Ketchup to Chutney</a></strong> This easy recipe for scones comes together quickly in the food processor.

  • Cheesecake Cupcakes With Apricot Glaze

    <strong>Get the <a href="">Cheesecake Cupcakes with Apricot Glaze recipe from Today's Nest</a></strong> For this easy cheesecake recipe, both the wafer cookie crumb base and the cheesecake filling are prepared in the food processor -- separately of course.

  • Homemade Breakfast Sausage

    <strong>Get the <a href="">Homemade Breakfast Sausage recipe from Healthy Green Kitchen</a></strong> Grind your meat freshly at home, but instead of using a meat grinder, try the food processor. You can make sausages, patties, meatballs and hamburgers.

  • Roasted Tomatillo Salsa

    <strong>Get the <a href="">Roasted Tomatillo Salsa recipe from Turntable Kitchen</a></strong> Homemade salsas are easy to make in the food processor -- and you can create the consistency you wish, whether it's really chunky or silky smooth.

  • Homemade Pasta

    <strong>Get the <a href="">Homemade Pasta recipe from Big Girls Small Kitchen</a></strong> Don't tell your Italian nonna, but this recipe for pasta is made in the food processor.

  • Pesto-550

    <strong>Get the <a href="">Homemade Pesto recipe from Sam Tan's Kitchen</a></strong> Traditionally made in a mortar and pestle, pesto is all the more quicker when made in a food processor.

  • No-Cook Fudge

    <strong>Get the <a href="">No-Cook Fudge recipe from Cookie + Kate</a></strong> This fudge recipe requires no cooking and no stirring since it's made in the food processor.

  • Easy Thai Curry Paste

    <strong>Get the <a href="">Easy Thai Curry Paste recipe from Cooking on the Weekends</a></strong> The basis of many Thai recipes, this curry paste is easy to make in the food processor. Store it in the fridge until ready to use.

  • Morning Buns For Slackers

    <strong>Get the <a href="">Morning Buns for Slackers recipe from Ezra Pound Cake</a></strong> This recipe recreates <a href="">Tartine Bakery</a>'s famous morning buns in an easy way by using the food processor to bring together the dough.

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    <strong>Get the <a href="">Homemade Mayonnaise recipe from Umami Girl </a></strong> Many people make homemade mayonnaise in the blender, but the food processor does the job even better.

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    <strong>Get the <a href="">Homemade Pizza Dough recipe from Two Tarts</a></strong> Forget store-bought dough, whip up a batch of pizza dough in your food processor.

  • Homemade Butter

    <strong>Get the <a href="">Homemade Butter recipe from Whisk Away</a></strong> Homemade butter can be made at home very easily in the food processor. Once you've got the method down pat, try your hand at making some flavored butters.

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    Get the <a href="">Easy Turkey Bolognese recipe from Heather's Dish</a> Instead of spending all your time chopping vegetables for this recipe, use your food processor to get the job done more efficiently.

  • Santa Maria Style Tri Tip Marinade

    <strong>Get the <a href="">Santa Maria Style Tri Tip Marinade recipe from Costa Kitchen</a></strong> Forget the bottle marinade, make your own easily in the food processor.

  • Sweet Pistachio Butter

    <strong>Get the <a href="">Sweet Pistachio Butter recipe from Chocolate Chilli Mango</a></strong> Any nut butters can be made in the food processor -- just grind away.

  • Pretzel Rolls

    <strong>Get the <a href="">Pretzel Rolls recipe from ButterYum</a></strong> This recipe requires no kneading and comes together quickly in the food processor.

  • Homemade Coleslaw

    <strong>Get the <a href="">Homemade Coleslaw recipe from Vanilla Clouds and Lemon Drops</a></strong> Shredding cabbage for coleslaw is a breeze when you use your food processor's shredder attachment.

  • Perfect Pie Dough

    <strong>Get the <a href="">Perfect Pie Dough recipe from Little B Cooks</a></strong> Pie dough is easy to make when you use the food processor to work together the butter and flour.

  • Celeriac, Potato And Leek Soup

    <strong>Get the <a href="">Celeriac, Potato and Leek Soup recipe from It's Just Chicken</a></strong> Soups that require pureeing, can be pureed in the food processor, like this celeriac, potato and leek soup.

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Calm returns to Lebanon as troops deploy

A memorial poster of Brig. Gen. Wissam al-Hassan, who was assassinated Friday, hangs near the spot Friday's car bomb attack that killed Al-Hassan, in the Achrafiye district of Beirut, Lebanon, Tuesday, Oct. 23, 2012. Calm returned to the streets of Lebanon's capital on Tuesday, a day after troops launched a major security operation to quell fighting touched off by the assassination of a top anti-Syrian intelligence chief. (AP Photo/Maya Alleruzzo)

Associated Press

BEIRUT ? Calm returned to the streets of Lebanon's capital on Tuesday, a day after troops launched a major security operation to quell fighting touched off by the assassination of a top anti-Syrian intelligence chief.

The country's police chief late Monday released details of the investigation into the killing of Brig. Gen. Wissam al-Hassan, describing a carefully planned car bombing that targeted the intelligence officer as he was moving about the capital in secret.

Many in Lebanon blame Syria for the killing. Damascus has intervened heavily in Lebanese affairs and is blamed for the deaths of many prominent critics. Al-Hassan was a Sunni who challenged Syria and its powerful Lebanese ally, the Shiite militant group Hezbollah.

Seven people have died in clashes between pro- and anti-Syria factions sparked by the Friday assassination. The blast, the deadliest in Beirut in four years, killed two people in addition to al-Hassan.

Maj. Gen. Ashraf Rifi told a group of journalists that al-Hassan was assassinated outside one of his secret offices where he used to meet with informants. He was driving an unarmored rented car for camouflage. Al-Hassan was one of Lebanon's most secretive figures, and until his death many Lebanese did not know what he looked like.

"The martyr Wissam had an appointment in this office and it seems he was watched," Rifi said, adding that the booby-trapped car went off as al-Hassan's car was passing slowly by through the narrow street. The secret office in the predominantly Christian neighborhood of Achrafieh is few hundred yards away from the heavily-fortified police headquarters where al-Hassan spent most of his time while in Lebanon.

He also said investigators had identified the car used in the bombing as one stolen a year earlier.

Rifi confirmed reports from Washington that an FBI team will arrive to help in the investigation in the next two days. FBI teams helped investigate several bombings since 2005.

A senior security official, speaking on condition of anonymity in line with regulations, said al-Hassan entered through Beirut's airport using a fake name and after he reached his office, he sent his passport to the airport to be stamped. The official said this could be one of the ways how it became known al-Hassan is in Lebanon.

The official added that al-Hassan was supposed to stay in Paris with his family for more than week to celebrate the Muslim feast of Eid al-Adha that starts Friday, but it is not clear why he returned to Lebanon.


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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Duenweg Volunteer Firefighter Tornado Grant

DUENWEG, MO.--- Directors with the Community Foundation of Southwest Missouri presented the Duenweg Volunteer Fire Department with a $9,000 grant this evening. The money is part of the Joplin Recovery Fund and will help all 27 firefighters at the station receive new boots. Volunteers responded to over 450 homes and businesses in Duquesne the first 3 days?after the tornado. That caused?excessive wear-and-tear on the boots.?The grant will help purchase new footwear at more than $300 per pair.
"If it wasn't for places like Community Foundation of Southwest Missouri, we may not be able to go through and replace all the boots because we're on a limited budget. And to do something like that is almost impossible at times," states Jeff Littrell, Driver and Firefighter.

The Duenweg Fire Department is also waiting to here about a grant for a new fire truck to add to their fleet. They should hear the result any day now.


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Giants on to World Series with 9-0 win over Cards

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) ? San Francisco's players, soaked to the core in a driving rain, began running around the field slapping high-fives with fans. Sergio Romo danced through the raindrops and Angel Pagan waved a black Giants flag as he ran, then stayed outside with his daughter well after everyone else had taken the celebration indoors to the clubhouse.

The World Series is back in the Bay Area ? two years after the Giants won their first championship in San Francisco.

"We showed up here to win," Pagan said. "And we're going to carry that over into the World Series."

The Giants got there with another improbable comeback, stunning the defending champion St. Louis Cardinals with a 9-0 victory in Game 7 of the NL championship series after falling behind 3-1 at Busch Stadium.

Hunter Pence got the Giants going with a weird double, Matt Cain pitched his second clincher of October and San Francisco rode Marco Scutaro's steady bat yet again.

"The rain never felt so good," Scutaro said. "We're going to the World Series, this is unbelievable."

San Francisco won its record-tying sixth elimination game of the postseason, completing a lopsided rally from a 3-1 deficit.

The Giants, who won it all in 2010, will host reigning AL MVP and Cy Young winner Justin Verlander, Triple Crown slugger Miguel Cabrera and the Detroit Tigers in Game 1 on Wednesday night.

Verlander is set to pitch Wednesday's opener at AT&T Park. Giants manager Bruce Bochy insisted before Monday's game he had not planned any further in advance.

Scutaro, the NLCS MVP, produced his sixth multihit game of the series and matched an LCS record with 14 hits, and Pablo Sandoval drove in a run for his fifth straight game.

The Giants outscored the wild-card Cardinals 20-1 over the final three games behind stellar starting pitching from Barry Zito, Ryan Vogelsong and Cain.

"It's unbelievable, what else can you say?" Vogelsong said. "Just when you say we're down, we stand up again."

They also benefited from some strange bounces.

On Pence's double that highlighted a five-run third, his bat broke at the label on impact, then the broken barrel hit the ball twice more. That put a rolling, slicing spin on the ball and caused it to change directions ? leaving shortstop Pete Kozma little chance to make the play. Kozma broke to his right, figuring that's where the ball would go, but it instead curved to left-center.

"It was going to go in the hole and it ended up going up the middle," Kozma said.

Injured closer Brian Wilson, with that out-of-control bushy black beard, danced in the dugout and fans in the sellout crowd of 43,056 kept twirling their orange rally towels even through rain in the late innings ? a downright downpour when Romo retired Matt Holliday on a popup to Scutaro to end it.

Scutaro just told himself to make sure he caught the ball.

Romo embraced catcher Buster Posey as fireworks went off over McCovey Cove beyond right field.

"It's just very fitting the way everything has gone for us this season," Romo said of ending in the rain. "The ups and downs, the injuries, the personal issues, whatever. What a ride for us all. It's very, very fitting that it rained right there."

The NL West champion Giants won their first postseason clincher at home since the 2002 NLCS, also against the Cardinals.

These 2012 Giants have a couple of pretty talented castoffs of their own not so different from that winning combination of 2010 "castoffs and misfits" as Bochy referred to his bunch ? with Scutaro right there at the top of the list this time around.

Acquired July 27 from the division rival Colorado Rockies, Scutaro hit .500 (14 for 28) with four RBIs in the NLCS. The 36-year-old journeyman infielder, playing in his second postseason and first since 2006 with Oakland, became the first player in major league history with six multihit games in an LCS.

Now, he's headed to his first World Series.

The Giants have All-Star game MVP Melky Cabrera to thank for helping his teammates secure home-field advantage in the postseason ? while Cain was the winning pitcher the National League's 8-0 victory in July. Cabrera was suspended 50 games Aug. 15 for a positive testosterone test, then wasn't added to the roster by the Giants after his suspension ended.

After rain fell on the Cardinals during batting practice, the skies turned blue and the weather cooperated. Anxious players on both sides hung over the dugout rails as the game began.

Cain joined St. Louis' Chris Carpenter as the only pitchers with victories in two winner-take-all games in the same postseason. Carpenter, who lost Games 2 and 6 in this series, did it last year.

Cain also pitched the Giants' Game 5 division series clincher at Cincinnati, when San Francisco became the first team in major league history to come back from an 0-2 deficit in a five-game series by winning three consecutive road games.

"I think to do it, the guys actually have to believe it can happen," Posey said.

Cain delivered on an even bigger stage Monday as San Francisco saved its season once again. The Giants won their 20th NL pennant and reached their 19th World Series.

Cain walked off the mound to a standing ovation when Jeremy Affeldt entered with two outs in the sixth. Affeldt then got Daniel Descalso to pop out with two runners on.

"These guys never quit," Bochy said. "They just kept believing and they got it done."

Yadier Molina had four hits but got little help from the rest of the Cardinals, who went 1 for 21 with runners in scoring position over their final three games.

"It's about the team that's hot, and we went on a cold streak," Cardinals manager Mike Matheny said. "We got to this point by being that team that was hot and taking advantage of opportunities. But we just couldn't make it happen these last two games."

Cain added an RBI single to his cause and got some sparkling defense behind him.

The play of the game went to shortstop Brandon Crawford, who made a leaping catch of Kyle Lohse's liner to end the second inning with runners on second and third on what would have been a run-scoring hit.

In the third, Scutaro, the second baseman, made a tough stop on a short hop by Carlos Beltran, and left fielder Gregor Blanco ran down a hard-hit ball by Allen Craig in left-center to end the inning.

Cain's second-inning single made San Francisco the first team in major league postseason history to have a starting pitcher drive in a run in three straight elimination games.

Brandon Belt hit a solo homer in the eighth for his first clout of the postseason.

It took production from everybody, even the pitchers, for these scrappy Giants to rally back from the brink one more time.

Cain certainly did his part to keep the staff rolling.

The 16-game winner, who didn't surrender an earned run during his team's title run two years ago, reached 46 pitches through two innings but settled in nicely the rest of the way to avenge a loss to Lohse in Game 3.

Cain even got to repay Holliday for his hard slide into Scutaro at second base in Game 2 here a week earlier. Cain plunked Holliday in the upper left arm leading off the sixth, drawing cheers from the crowd.

Holliday returned to the lineup after missing Game 6 a night earlier with tightness in his lower back. He received loud boos when he stepped in to hit in the first from a fan base still angry about his slide that injured Scutaro's hip.

Beltran is still left 0-fer the World Series, winless in three Game 7s during his 15-year career. And to think just last fall he was on the other side with the Giants as they missed the playoffs a year after winning the club's first World Series since moving West in 1958.

"If you look at the games we made a lot of mistakes and they didn't make any," Beltran said. "They took advantage of those. They were able to put things together, offense, pitching, defense, and we couldn't do that."

Sandoval's run-scoring groundout in the first that put his team ahead gave him at least one RBI in five straight postseason games, matching home run king Barry Bonds' franchise record set in 2002.

Now, Sandoval and the Giants get to play on.

"It's just surreal. The victory lap right there was the greatest thing," said Zito, left off the 2010 postseason roster for all three rounds but now a candidate to pitch Game 1. "We play best when our backs are against the wall."


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The First Step | Everyday Faith

If you?ve followed the blog any amount of time, you?ll notice that today brings some changes to the name and the pages. Taken together, they are the first step towards being obedient to God. Just where the next step leads, I don?t know. It?s taken a good bit of turmoil to get me to step one.

But let me begin at the beginning. Kind of.

I have this crazy idea that God has gifted and called me to be someone who reaches people for Him. Not in the traditional evangelistic sense (to paraphrase Lloyd Benson, I?m no Billy Graham), but in a way that gets people to reconsider the everyday evidence that is under their noses. I?m not out to build an empire, or become something I?m not; I?m intensely interested in writing and speaking about how God interacts with us in our daily circumstances to call us into a deeper relationship with Him.

And I?ve felt this way for a long time. I?ve strained against myself because I am at heart two things: someone who is hampered by a need for security while yearning for the chance to do daring things. Life is a paradox sometimes, and that has been my life as of late. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God has gifted me to speak; I know He has gifted me to write; the issue has always been with audience. To whom am I writing/speaking? To whom should I be writing/speaking?

I?ve always sought the church as the definitive answer. I love being in the pulpit and sharing from God?s word; I love working with people one-on-one and seeing the light go off in their eyes; I love when former students call and ask me to do weddings, or send me emails asking for help with a difficult question. I love those things not because they swell the ego, but instead they mean that my life and my gifts have connected people and God in a meaningful way.

I still believe in the church. I believe in her importance to a changing culture in America. I believe in her need to work tirelessly on behalf of those who have experienced the worst life has to offer. I believe that within the halls and walls of a church there is the chance for a community that can heal, restore, teach and bless people just as God intended.

But even within the church there are people who long to know that God knows them. Who hunger to hear from God in their circumstances. You can also find those people in coffee shops, on Facebook, at the gas pump next to you. I want to reach them. I want to talk with them, write for them, speak to them. It?s what I feel called to do as a minister. As a pastor.

So I?m taking a first step of faith and adding a Speaking page to this blog, along with the change in name and focus. I?ll be writing about finding God in your everyday life and allowing those moments to grow your faith. I have no grand design, and I?m not quitting my job; I?m just finally being obedient on a matter that I have, for personal reasons, treated as an inconvenience rather than a command.

There it is. I feel like God is asking me to preach and write more. I?m trusting in Him and putting that calling into words that I?ll be held accountable to on many levels. I?m scared. I?m excited.

We?ll see what happens.

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Monday Mania 10/22/2012

by Sarah, The Healthy Home Economist on October 21, 2012

Welcome to the?Monday Mania, a health and wellness carnival where Real Foodies who blog come together to link up their popular posts.

These posts might be Real Food recipes, Book Reviews, Natural Remedies, or Green Home Tips. They might even be a blogger?s take on a media health report, a videoblog, podcast, or an exciting giveaway!

In short, these Awesome Posts are a complete free for all of incredible Real Foodie Wisdom! So, roll up your sleeves, link up and show us your stuff! Can?t wait to see what your Real Foodie brains have turned out recently!

* Please link up your blog post using the Linky widget below. If you are posting a recipe, only REAL FOOD recipes are permitted please! This means no processed food ingredients.

Hint: Tofu and textured vegetable protein are not Real Food. Neither are Splenda, soy milk, protein powder, or white sugar/white flour. Posts that do not qualify as Real Food will be deleted.

Please link the URL of your actual blog post?and not your blog?s home page.


Sarah, The Healthy Home Economist






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Online business is otherwise known as an internet business. This basically defines as exchange, share or transfer of raw materials across different business groups or individuals using the internet.

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The initial and important aspect is creating a website for your campaign. Every marketing business requires a well-designed website to portray their products and services.

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?Qualified Prospect? is one way to provide information which is needed for a user while searching rather than focusing on other irrelevant blocks.

Hence investment in such search engine marketing helps to mention your website when a user enters for a product which is produced by your company in order to increase marketing levels.

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Blogging is an informative medium between you and your customers. In order to increase your business progress, make a point to include the latest updates in your blog. It?s a good platform to invest money for transferring and sharing your ideas through blogs.

PPC advertising is one way to increase your growth in the market. Pay per Click is a process of paying some amount on ads that pop up on user?s webpages to widen the awareness of your product and help you to reach various target customers around the world.

To expand your company you can opt for various advertising techniques. Among all the various options there are banner ads. An investment in such publicity helps to get the attention of customer. An ad in various newspapers, banners, televisions increases your products popularity.

Hence, above mention are few ways to grow your business. For initial investments or under emergency conditions you can opt for loans such as same day cash loans for instant funding.

About the Author:
The guest post was contributed by Alicia, financial guest blogger from Manchester, UK. Find out more about her finance related blogs @financeport?

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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Three views of the RHS by Elizabeth Musgrave | thinkinGardens

Apologies ? this one has jumped the queue.. (nothing to do with me overlooking what?s on my schedule, of course..)

Does the RHS offer anything which meets the needs of the thinkingardener? Elizabeth Musgrave gives that some thought..

Anne Wareham, editor

Welsh Hills picture copyright Elizabeth Musgrave

Elizabeth Musgrave:

I am a serial joiner of the RHS.? I join for a year or so, then when the year ends I fail to renew my membership.? Three or four years later something will jolt me into rejoining, I will be a member for another year and then drop out again.? I have no idea if this profile is the norm.? Do other people dip in and out like this or, if you are a passionate gardener, does the RHS for most people offer you something that makes membership feel like more than a ?nice to have??

At the moment I am a member.? Last summer I spent a week garden visiting with some friends.? We were in Devon and wanted to visit Rosemoor, The Garden House and Wildside.? Wildside isn?t an RHS partner garden but The Garden House is so with two gardens available to RHS members it would only take another garden visit or two over the year to make the membership financially worthwhile.?? I signed up again.

I was also a member in 2006.? I had just taken on two acres of unimproved field and as part of my slow and quiet thinking about making a garden I wanted to go backwards and forwards over the growing season to look at something working on a larger scale than the town gardens which were all I had ever had.? Bodnant was my nearest RHS partner garden and, like my land, was surrounded by high hills.? From March until October of that year I went to Bodnant once a month, marked and inwardly digested, found things that were quite irrelevant to what I wanted to do, things I liked, things I didn?t like at all and things that made me think.? In 2006 the RHS membership fee felt like money well spent.

But I am not normally much of a garden visitor.? I admit that it is sometimes good for me to lift my eyes from my own place but generally I would rather be working in my own garden than looking at someone else?s.? So if you join the RHS primarily in order to visit gardens it is perhaps no surprise that I am not a constant member.? Certainly the RHS?s own publicity stresses garden visiting as a reason for membership.? Earlier in the spring the RHS was pushing membership as a present for Mother?s Day:

?With RHS membership, she?ll enjoy free days out at more than 80 gardens all year, as well as discounted tickets and priority booking to inspiring RHS Shows such as the RHS Chelsea?Flower Show, plus?free personalised advice?and?The Garden?monthly magazine.?All this?for just ?51??

?Free days out?? I am not sure that will make me renew this time.

Who'd leave this for a day out? copyright Elizabeth Musgrave

But of course the RHS is not just about free days out.? Its own mission statement says ?Our goal is to help people share a passion for plants, to encourage excellence in horticulture and inspire all those with an interest in gardening.?? Passion, excellence and inspiration, all in relation to plants and gardening: now that sounds like a place where I should find a home.

So why is my membership so intermittent?? I think it is partly that the RHS feels to me to be very focussed on the South East of England, with Wisley and Hyde Hall gardens, and shows in London at Chelsea and Hampton Court.? There is no RHS garden in Wales and even the two gardens which are not based in the South East are too far away for garden visiting. Rosemoor is around six hours? drive away and Harlow Carr perhaps three.? I have been a couple of times to the Malvern Spring Show, once to Tatton and once to Hampton Court.? I enjoy visiting the shows but I can do that without RHS membership. Maybe if I lived in the South East I would be able to take advantage of more that the RHS has to offer but I don?t.? It all feels quite far away.

And this is perhaps part and parcel of a more general feeling that the RHS is not aimed at people like me.? For example, I am not interested in pests and diseases and the RHS website has a huge? section devoted to them.? I try to grow healthy plants but living in challenging conditions has taught me that the most important thing you can do for a plant is to give it the conditions in which it wants to live.? I also grow organically which is not the driving force for the RHS as it is for me.? I am interested in growing wildflowers.? This is partly to do with a desire to encourage pollinating insects and partly because such an area sits sensibly within my rural garden.? There is a section on the website about establishing a wildflower meadow and while it is all sound advice it is pretty scant compared with the amount of advice about using chemicals and battling pest and diseases.? I don?t feel quite at home.

I go back to the website to see if I am doing the RHS an injustice.? Remember that mission statement.? It?s a cracker.? And there is some fabulous stuff aimed at families and gardening for children and in schools.? This is really first rate and in my view the liveliest and most vibrant part of the whole site.? They even have Dawn Isaac, one of my favourite gardening bloggers, blogging for them.? That is a bit of a departure because generally the use of social media on the site is patchy.? The forums for example are far from lively but the twitter platform is good.? I start to feel that maybe the problem is a communication problem rather than one of substance when I hit on the pages on sustainable gardening.? These turn me off all over again: the link to the wildflower meadow is not working, the pages on climate change are from scientific papers produced in 2008, the section on Biodiversity seems to think it is 2010 and the whole thing feels out of date and tired.? Perhaps there is too much potential for controversy here and the RHS is fighting shy of nailing its colours to any particular mast and alienating the other half of its membership but I wish they would just go for it.

So at this stage the jury is out.? In some areas (education, families, training) the RHS is blazing the trail.? In others it hangs back.? To finish with I consult my daughter and my mother.? We are a family of gardeners.? I might be more obsessive than my mother but my daughter and her husband run two allotments which sounds pretty obsessive to me.? In the past I know my mother has been a member.? Why did she stop?? Too expensive, too focussed on garden visiting which she can no longer do.? And my daughter?? Never a member.? Why not?? I don?t think it is aimed at my generation she says and there are so many great sites about veg growing I would never think of going to the RHS site.

So three generations of a gardening family do not seem to feel that the RHS is their natural home.? Is it just us?? If it is, tell me what I am missing.

Elizabeth Musgrave

Elizabeth Musgrave copyright Elizabeth Musgrave

Elizabeth?s website: Welsh Hills Again





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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Downhill from here: Here it comes | Concord Monitor

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Survivors, captain hear Italian shipwreck evidence

A view of the partially sunk Costa Concordia wreckage next to the Giglio Island, Italy, Sunday, Oct. 14, 2012. The first hearing of the trial for the Jan. 13, 2012 tragedy, where 32 people died after the luxury cruise Costa Concordia was forced to evacuate some 4,200 passengers after it hit a rock while passing too close to the Giglio Island, is taking place in Grosseto Monday Oct. 15, 2012. Captain Schettino, who was blamed for both the accident and for leaving the ship before the passengers, is scheduled to attend the hearing. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)

A view of the partially sunk Costa Concordia wreckage next to the Giglio Island, Italy, Sunday, Oct. 14, 2012. The first hearing of the trial for the Jan. 13, 2012 tragedy, where 32 people died after the luxury cruise Costa Concordia was forced to evacuate some 4,200 passengers after it hit a rock while passing too close to the Giglio Island, is taking place in Grosseto Monday Oct. 15, 2012. Captain Schettino, who was blamed for both the accident and for leaving the ship before the passengers, is scheduled to attend the hearing. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)

Italian Carabinieri, paramilitary police men, patrol in front of in front of the Teatro Moderno theater where the first hearing of the trial for the Jan. 13, 2012 tragedy, where 32 people died after the luxury cruise Costa Concordia was forced to evacuate some 4,200 passengers after it hit a rock while passing too close to the Giglio Island, is taking place, in Grosseto, Italy, Monday Oct. 15, 2012. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)

Francesco Schettino, the former captain of Costa Concordia, leaves his home in Meta Di Sorrento, near Naples, Sunday, Oct. 14, 2012. The first hearing of the trial for the Jan. 13 tragedy, where 32 people died after the luxury cruise Costa Concordia was forced to evacuate some 4,200 passengers as it hit a rock while passing too close to the Giglio Island, is taking place in Grosseto Monday. Captain Francesco Schettino, who was blamed for both the accident and for leaving the ship before the passengers, is scheduled to attend the hearing. (AP Photo/Salvatore Laporta)

A view of the partially sunk Costa Concordia wreckage next to the Giglio Island, Italy, Sunday, Oct. 14, 2012. The first hearing of the trial for the Jan. 13, 2012 tragedy, where 32 people died after the luxury cruise Costa Concordia was forced to evacuate some 4,200 passengers after it hit a rock while passing too close to the Giglio Island, is taking place in Grosseto Monday Oct. 15, 2012. Captain Schettino, who was blamed for both the accident and for leaving the ship before the passengers, is scheduled to attend the hearing. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)

Italian Carabinieri, paramilitary police men, patrol in front of in front of the Teatro Moderno theater where the first hearing of the trial for the Jan. 13, 2012 tragedy, where 32 people died after the luxury cruise Costa Concordia was forced to evacuate some 4,200 passengers after it hit a rock while passing too close to the Giglio Island, is taking place in Grosseto Monday Oct. 15, 2012. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)

GROSSETO, Italy (AP) ? A theater in Italy turned into a courtroom Monday, providing extra space for all those who needed to hear the evidence against the captain of a shipwrecked cruise ship.

The case of Francesco Schettino, 51, has generated such interest that the Tuscan city of Grosseto chose the larger space to accommodate all those who had a legitimate claim to be at the closed-door hearing.

Thirty-two people died after Schettino, in a stunt, took the Costa Concordia cruise ship off course and brought it close to the Tuscan island of Giglio on Jan 13. The ship then ran aground and capsized. Schettino himself became a lightning rod for international disdain for having left the ship before everyone was evacuated.

Schettino appeared at the hearing Monday, as well as passengers who survived the deadly shipwreck, the families of those who died in it and scores of lawyers trying to get more compensation for them.

"We want to look him in the eye to see how he will react to the accusations," said German survivor Michael Liessen, 50, who attended with his wife.

Another survivor said he even talked with Schettino.

"When he looked at me, I told him I was on board the Costa Concordia. He stood up and we shook hands, as it is normal between two polite people," Luciano Castro, 48, who has published a book in Italy about the disaster, told The Associated Press. "I told him I hoped the truth would come out soon. In that moment, he replied, 'Yes, it must be established.'"

Castro added that Schettino appeared to be "very embarrassed. He was very cautious, probably not expecting that somebody would approach him."

Wearing dark glasses and a suit, Schettino used a back entrance to slip into the theater, making no comment to reporters outside. Lawyers said he listened intently to the proceedings, where his attorneys raised some objections to the evidence being submitted against Schettino and eight others accused in the shipwreck, including crew members and officials from Concordia owner Costa Crociere SpA.

Nevertheless, one member of Schettino's defense team, Francesco Pepe, seemed confident, saying during a break that "responsibilities that aren't all Schettino's are beginning to emerge."

Hearings this week through Wednesday will help decide whether the judge will order a trial for Schettino, who is accused of manslaughter, causing the shipwreck and abandoning ship while passengers and crew were still aboard. He denies the accusations and hasn't been charged. Any trial is unlikely to begin before next year.

Off the Tuscan coast and just outside Giglio's port, the hulk of the Concordia still lies on its side, resting on a rocky seabed ledge, the object of gawkers and a painful symbol of the disaster for islanders and survivors. Experts are carrying out a complicated salvage plan to get the 290-meter (1,000-foot) long vessel upright so it can be towed to the mainland.

A key question is how much of the blame should Schettino bear alone and how much responsibility for the disaster lies with his crew and employer, Costa Crociere, a division of the Miami-based Carnival Corp.

Costa Crociere has denied that it was negligent and has distanced itself from Schettino, firing him in July although he is fighting to get his job back.

Last month, court-appointed experts delivered a 270-page report of what went wrong that night based on an analysis of data recorders, ship communications equipment, testimony and other evidence.

The experts, who included two admirals and two engineers, laid most of the blame for the collision with the reef and the botched evacuation on Schettino. But they also noted that not all crew members understood Italian, not all had current safety and evacuation certifications, and not all passengers had had the chance to participate in evacuation drills.

Schettino's lawyers had sought to have the captain's Indonesian helmsman attend the hearing, but Judge Valeria Montesarchio turned down the request.

Lawyers for some survivors and some families of the victims are seeking to point blame at the corporate level, alleging negligence. Among them is Peter Ronai, a lawyer for the family of a Hungarian violinist on the ship who, survivors recounted, helped children don life vests before perishing himself.

"The reason people died was not the captain" alone, Ronai told reporters before going into the hearing. "There was no reason for anyone to die."

Passengers have recounted scenes of chaos during the disaster, with the lights going out after the initial collision, plates and glasses smashing to the ground and crew members giving conflicting, confusing directions.

Many of the lifeboats became stuck and couldn't be lowered because the boat was listing too far to one side. Some of the 4,200 people aboard jumped into the Mediterranean and swam to Giglio, while others had to be plucked from the ship by rescue helicopters hours after the collision.

"The ship was as big as a shopping mall, there was dark, there was absolute chaos, men were pushing women away, children in the back," Ronai said. He said the reason people died was because the corporation was "negligent in practices and safety procedures."

Schettino has insisted that by guiding the stricken ship into shallower waters near Giglio's port instead of immediately ordering an evacuation he potentially saved lives. He has claimed that another official, not he, was at the helm when the ship struck.

The timeline in the experts' report, however, makes clear that Schettino had assumed command six minutes before the ship struck the reef.

An American lawyer representing more than 150 people in U.S.-based lawsuits against Carnival Corp. said he came from Mississippi to closely follow evidence that could be useful in his cases. Aside from seeking compensation for his clients, John Arthur Eaves Jr. said he was pushing for improved standards in the cruise industry.

"There is a consistent pattern of lack of discipline ... and communication problems," he told reporters. "This accident will happen again."

"The sooner we can resolve it, the sooner these victims can get back to rebuilding their lives," Eaves added.

Associated Press


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