Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Video: Hospital condemns radio prank as ?appalling?

>>> in london we're learning more about the nurse who died just days after receiving a prank phone call about the duchess of cambridge. anabel roberts is outside the church where she worked.

>> reporter: good morning, erica. in the last few minutes a letter from the chairman of the radio company in australia has been released, sent to the chief executive of this hospital, where the nurse works and in it the chairman says that "we are all deeply saddened by the tragic events of the last few days" and that the company will fully cooperate with all investigations. meanwhile prince william has attended his first event since the news of kate's pregnancy broke. the flash bulbs popped to prince william as he arrived at a gala fund-raiser but for once they were directed only at him, not his wife, who is still at home resting. shaking hands is part and parcel of his job but this father-to-be has more on his mind than most. surrounded by titans from the world of tennis, he seemed relaxed. but for the couple, this has been a week of contra. the delight of kate's pregnancy that her acute morning sickness is passing was eclipsed of the death of jacintha saldanha who was on duty and picked up the pranked call from two australian deejays. today the radio company that employs them held a meeting, following a sternly worded letter from the london hospital describing the decision to broadcast the call as appalling. the immediate consequences of these premeditated and ill considered actions was the humiliation of two dedicated nurses who were just doing their job. the jacintha saldanha's husband has paid tribute to his wife on facebook. "i am devastated with the tragic loss of my life in tragic circumstances." this is a tragedy that touches three continents. in india her sister-in-law says she was beautiful. in britain a nurse who used to work with her came to her defense.

>> if it's somebody's place with a clearance policy, i don't know what i would have done or anybody else must have done.

>> reporter: london police have told australian authorities they may be interested in speaking to the deejays about this prank. now in this letter, the chairman goes on to say the outcome was unforeseeable and very regrettable and that the company is taking immediate action and reviewing the broadcast and processes involved. i understand that the deejays themselves are in quite a fragile state but they are very keen to speak to the media and that we may be hearing from them as soon as tomorrow.

Source: http://video.today.msnbc.msn.com/today/50135598/

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